Tres Dias of North Georgia, Men's #90

John Whatley, Rector

Open the Eyes of My Heart

Ephesians 1:18-19

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Team list

John Whatley
Head Cha
Jack Reynolds
Asst Head Cha
Geoff Rhines
Spiritual Directors
David Watson, Head
Andy Ledford
David Watson
Don Clark
Peter James, Ideals
Tim Lunde, Church
Michael Statham, Piety
Dave Murphy, Study
Al Bowen, Action
Edwin Bruce, Leaders
John Statham, Environment
Rick Bennett, CCIA
John Sarver, Reunion
Andy Batson, Silent
John Sarver, Silent
Scott Gage, Silent
Back-Up Rector
Terry Gilbreath
Johnny Bruce
Dale Hicks, Head
Kyle Pickens
Tech Cha
Wayne Kwiatkowski
Data Cha
Table Cha's
Tom Lundquist, Head
Allen Wade
Bill Pope
John Noble
Rusty Brackett
Scott Leger
Storeroom Cha's
Frank Hood, Head
Mike Burns
Chapel Cha's
Brian Lathrop, Head
David Sweeney
Eddie Reize
Mark Goldman
Ramsey Altman
Gopher Cha's
Beau Bruce
Robert Gambling
Palanca Cha's
John Wasielewski, Head
Dana Jones
Hamp Wideman
Louis Snyder
Scott Brown
Dorm Cha's
Don Ballard, Head
David Milde
Ed Wilson
John Soliday
Phil Williams
Floater Supply Cha's
Cole Knight, Head
Joe Burkhardt
Prayer Cha's
Bill Weaver, Head
Cecil Knowles
Dain Wideman
David Johnston
Don Whatley
Jeff Bradford
Kitchen Cha's
Patrick Ingram, Head
Bill Coe, Asst Head
, Asst Head
Alex Weaver
Andy Graham
Bill Friday
Bob Moore
Bubba Jones
Don Shaw
Geoff Furr
Jeff Ross
Jeremy Puckett
Jim Pruitt
John Schilling
Karl Schwelm
Mark TeBeest
Michael Allen
Mike Neubauer
Paul Hearn
Richard Dunkerley
Ron Cundy
Scott Couey
Steve Miller
Steve Shepherd
Troy Stallings
, Head
Buster Cato
Dana Simmons
Daniel Hill
Hans Hwangbo