Tres Dias of North Georgia, Men's #8

Chuck Johnson, Rector

He makes all things beautiful in His time Ecclesiastes 3:11a

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Team list

Chuck Johnson
Head Cha
John Sarver
Asst Head Cha
Herb Lotze
Spiritual Directors
Bob Plowman, Head
Jimmie Snead
Mel Holmes
Phil Adams, Ideals
, Church
Duane Holmes, Piety
Ken Springer, Study
John Wasielewski, Action
Gene Swindell, Leaders
Russ Williams, Environment
, Reunion
Jack Davidson, Silent
Rick Williams, Silent
Scott Burgamy, Silent
Back-Up Rector
Dave Williams
, Head
Bill Furr
Tech Cha
Data Cha
Table Cha's
, Head
Bruce Holliday
Corky Ullom
Harold Hardee
Raymond Maxwell
Ron Wood
Storeroom Cha's
Gene Vineyard, Head
Chapel Cha's
Bobby McClain, Head
John McGriff
Gopher Cha's
Terry Gilbreath
Palanca Cha's
, Head
Emory Brown
Dorm Cha's
, Head
Floater Supply Cha's
, Head
Prayer Cha's
, Head
Kitchen Cha's
Bob Sheldon, Head
Tom Thornton, Asst Head
, Asst Head
Buster Cato
Dan Moss
Dennis Pfaff
Floyd Farlow
Glen Osborne
James Farrell
Jerry Green
Kevin Dangler
Mark Herrington
Noel Knowles
Paul Peay
Ray Miller
Richard Schramm
Rod Price
Roger Garret
Tom Barnum
Tom Lundquist
, Head