Tres Dias of North Georgia, Men's #6

Bryan Huft, Rector

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Team list

Bryan Huft
Head Cha
Asst Head Cha
Spiritual Directors
Mel Holmes, Head
Dwayne McLuhan
Mel Holmes
Gene Swindell, Ideals
Duane Holmes, Church
John Witherspoon, Piety
Michael Callahan, Study
John Hall, Action
Ron McLoud, Leaders
, Environment
Bob Weber, CCIA
, Reunion
Jerry Guynn, Silent
John Noble, Silent
Back-Up Rector
, Head
Dave Williams
Tech Cha
Data Cha
Table Cha's
, Head
Carroll Voss
Donald Forrester
John Bohlayer
Marshall Adams
Russ Williams
Terry Gilbreath
Storeroom Cha's
Kenneth Parrott, Head
Robert Lowery
Chapel Cha's
John Sarver, Head
Gopher Cha's
Jim Brooks
Palanca Cha's
, Head
Mark Jackson
Dorm Cha's
, Head
John Aldridge
Floater Supply Cha's
, Head
Prayer Cha's
, Head
Kitchen Cha's
Maddie McLoud, Head
Herb Lotze, Asst Head
, Asst Head
Bill Furr
Bob Sheldon
Bobby McClain
Chuck Johnson
Corky Ullom
Dan Moss
Dan Wright
David Davis
John McGriff
Larry Oltjenbruns
Paul Peay
Phil Adams
Rod Price
Timothy Williams
Tom Thornton
, Head