Tres Dias of North Georgia, Men's #36

John Wasielewski, Rector

The Many Faces of Jesus Colossians 1:26-27

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Team list

John Wasielewski
Head Cha
Sonny Horton
Asst Head Cha
John Aldridge
Spiritual Directors
Tom Grady, Head
Darrell Rice
Jack Kelly
Steve McVey
, Ideals
Bob Weber, Church
Lynwood Maddox, Piety
Bill Weaver, Study
Don Stewart, Action
, Leaders
Floyd Farlow, Environment
, Reunion
Alex Weaver, Silent
John Sarver, Silent
John Sarver, Silent
Back-Up Rector
Tom Lundquist
, Head
Lare McCreary
Tech Cha
Data Cha
Table Cha's
, Head
Jerry Nelson
Kirk Childs
Kirk Childs
Mike Rudzinski
Storeroom Cha's
Curtis Stewart, Head
Chapel Cha's
Don Clark, Head
Gopher Cha's
Harold Hardee
Noel Knowles
Palanca Cha's
Emory Brown, Head
Dorm Cha's
, Head
Charlie Poor
Paul Chandler
Rich Kroko
Scott Burgamy
Floater Supply Cha's
, Head
Joe LaMattina
Prayer Cha's
, Head
Frank Hood
Roger Dean
Terry Goldman
Terry Goldman
Kitchen Cha's
Beau Bruce, Head
Mitch Massaconi, Asst Head
, Asst Head
Bob Clark
Carroll Voss
Dave Ely
Jeffrey Ashby
Jim Pendley
Kent Davis
Mike Clanton
Norval Walter
Ralph Drew
Ric Reece
William Wade
William Wade
William Wade
William Wade
William Wade
William Wade
William Wade
William Wade
Steve Shepherd
Troy Stallings
, Head
Buddy Murphy
Buster Cato
Ed Nutting
J T Leachman